Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Maduro Versus Polar

The incompetent Maduro regime has elevated its attack against Lorenzo Mendoza, the
President of The Empresas Polar, one of the few food producing companies in Venezuela
today.  Since taking power in 2013, Maduro has continued the legacy of Hugo Chavez; the man who destroyed the private sector of the country and pilfered trillions of dollars to maintain a failing socialists regime.

For over 70 years The Empresas Polar has produced many consumer products from soap to beers, non-alcoholic beverage, to wines, and more importantly the company produces close to 40% of the food consumed by the nation.

For many years Venezuelans have relied on the rice, oats, pre-cooked corn flour, oil and pretty much many of the basic products such as pasta, margarines, vinegars, mayonnaise, sauces, food for animals, soaps, detergents, fabric softeners and soft drinks, etc. from this  company which has factories in Venezuela, Colombia, the USA and Europe.

Maduro issued his latest threat against the company’s President Lorenzo Mendoza accusing him of committing an economic war against the Venezuelan. Maduro is refusing to address the real issues that are affecting the country: an inflation rate that will reach 700% this year caused by the years of failing “socialist policies” such as the appropriation of producing private companies by an incompetent and corrupted regime; all these plus the high levels of corruption that has dismantled Venezuela transforming this rich country into a miserable, hungry and sick nation.

The Maduro regime should be ashamed of the fact that the Venezuelan people have to depend primarily on ONE company to supply a great portion of food to the nation because the regime managed to cripple the private sector.  The people of Venezuela should not allow more government intervention to the private sector. So far the appropriation to privately own companies have been a economically catastrophic for the nation. Polar will end up destroyed by the incompetence of the Maduro regime and the damaging effect will be long lasting for Venezuela.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Venezuela is on a brink of a complete economic collapse.

Very interesting the article about entitled: "Venezuela is on the brink of a complete anemic collapse", by Matt O'Brien, a reporter for Wonkblog, covering economic affairs in Latin America. Mr. O'Brien mentions the "Bolivarian Revolution and its programs for the poor" as some of the causes for the Venezuelan economic crisis. Matt O'Brien doesn't mention in his article that the real cause of the Venezuelan economic crisis; in addition to the incompetence of the Venezuelan regime, is the out of control corruption and the embezzlement of the Venezuelan revenues from the oil production from the past 16 years, from the members of the Venezuelan regime headed initially by Hugo Chavez and recently by Nicolas Maduro and Diodado Cabello, the former President of the National Assembly.