Diosdado Cabello, the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly has been in the headlines lately, but not because he is a nice individual. He is as ruthless and power hungry former military man. As the Maduro regime weakens and the economy is at its all time low, Diosdado Cabello lurks around like a vulture waiting for the right moment to take over. Yet, the new allegations against him as one of the leaders of the drug cartel Soles may bring a game change to Diosdado Cabello’s fate.
The case against Diosdado Cabello’s as the leader of the Soles drug cartel is now growing in Washington, with the recent allegations from Leamsy
Salazar who was his main Security Officer. Leamsy Salazar was originally Hugo Chavez's Security Officer for 10 years, and is now in the United States where he is working with authorities building the case against Diosdado.
This is not the first time that Diosdado Cabello is accused of drug trafficking. In 2012, Venezuelan Supreme Court judge Eladio Aponte connected Diosdado Cabello with corruption and drug traffickers. The judge turned over proof of Diosdado Cabello's ties
to narco-trafficking to the DEA. According to Judge Aponte, the late Hugo Chavez was also involved in the drug operations carried out by Venezuelan military.
Diosdado Cabello is also known to be responsible for orchestrating abuses in the National Assembly, where Counsel woman Maria Corina Machado and other assembly members were beaten under his watch. Later, he arbitrarily removed Machado from her post, in violation of the Venezuelan Bolivarian Constitution. Since the Venezuelan people elected Machado, she can't be fired from her post by the President of the National Assembly.
Similarly, Diosdado Cabello was personally involved in the unjustified arrest and conviction of Leopold Lopez. It was on February, 2014, when cabello, and he remaines prisoner of the Maduro regime.