Monday, August 10, 2015

Starving the country: A Maduro Strategy?

 It is difficult to understand if the Maduro Regime’s strategy is to starve the Venezuelan people and keep them in a state of desperation or is the Regime’s ignorance causing the chaotic lack of food and consumer products?
The inept regime persists in ignoring the drama that Venezuelans are living. This is causing waves of violence from people waiting in long lines for hours to purchase chicken and other basic products?

In July, there were more than a dozen cases of looting trucks that were transporting milk, chicken, and other products. The Government has created a state of instability and desperation that people have taken it upon themselves to steal what ever they can without regards to reprisals.

The use of starvation has been the tactic of other dictators throughout history. The most recent case is the Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. He controls the distribution of food and other necessities and has created chaos, causing a Civil War that  claimed more than 200,000 lives.

In North Korea dictator Kim Jong II kept the country poor and desperately hungry for two decades. u The tragedy continued after his death with his son Kim in the 90’s, killing millions, and continues today under the ruthless and inexperienced Kim Jung-un.

In the Soviet Union Joseph Stating used similar tactics in the Ukraine, creating famine to destroy an estimated 7,000,000 people.

Nicolas Maduro is going that same route in Venezuela today.  People are desperate and the government insists on blaming the Opposition and everyone else except themselves. It makes you wonder if this chaos is not orchestrated by the regime to keep people so preoccupied with finding food while the regime perpetuates it’s grip on the country.

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