Monday, July 6, 2015

Venezuela Celebrates Independence Day under an Oppressive Regime

July 5th commemorated Venezuelan’s Independence Day.  Simon Bolivar Liberated Venezuela and four other nations, and in 1811 Venezuela became separated from Spain’s control.  

Simon Bolivar broke the chains in order to establish a new nation based on the premises of equality of individuals, ending of suppression and the right to freedom of expression. The Chavez regime and now the Maduro regime have purposely violated these democratic principals from which Venezuela was founded.

I find it ironic that Secretary of State John Kerry this past Thursday urged Venezuela's government and opposition to find a "peaceful resolution" to their disputes before the Dec. 6 parliamentary election. After 16 years of a failing government first under the Chavez, and Maduro regimes, it is unthinkable to believe that peace can be achieved with a government that allows high levels of corruption, economic devastation and death.

The Maduro regime under the controlling leadership of Diosdado Cabello, President of the Venezuelan National Assembly isn't interested in creating and atmosphere of peace and understanding for the December 6 Parliamentary elections. 

For the past 16 years the elections in Venezuela have been run under an atmosphere of dishonesty, threats, and confusion. The Venezuelans are not dealing with democratic individuals that believe in the vote as a mean for a democratic and peaceful government. Elections in Venezuela have been used to perpetrate the Chavista regime, and the tradition continues. The end to this madness may not be by a democratic voting means. The people of Venezuela must rise against this stifling government to regain control of their country and destiny.

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